

124 Mamaia Blvd, Constanta, CP 900527

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The Center for Psycho-Pedagogical and Social Research and Evaluation (CCEPPS) is an integral part of the FPSE, and carries out its activity in the field of fundamental and applied research in the fields of psychology, ducation sciences and social assistance. The center has five research laboratories.

Within the Scientific Research Laboratory in psychological evaluation and intervention, scientific research projects were carried out, with the involvement of first and second year students in the fields of Psychology and Educational Sciences, under the coordination of the following teachers:




  Sălceanu Claudia                      Călin Mariana Floricica                               Sandu Mihaela


The research results were published in collective volumes, such as:

  • Perspectives and challenges in youth and adulthood. Studies and applications in the field of human development (2020),
  • Perspectives and challenges in preadolescence. Studies and applications in the field of human development (2020),
  • Applied psychology. Studies in the field of work and transport psychology (2019),
  • Applied psychology. Current challenges of adolescence and reflections on pre-university teaching staff (2019),
  • Relationship Between Religious Feeling and Clinical and Personality Traits in Elderly People (2019),
  • Personality and cognitive skills. Studies and applications in the field of human development. Volume 1: Research and Reflections on Childhood and Adolescence (2018),
  • Personality and cognitive skills. Studies and applications in the field of human development. Volume 2: Empirical research of youth and adulthood (2018).

In 2018–2019, in partnership with UBB Cluj-Napoca, FPSE (Department of Special Psychopedagogy - Prof. PhD. Adrian Roșan) and coordinator of the Research Laboratory in Assessment, Counseling and Social Assistance of Vulnerable Persons (Assoc. PhD. Matei Raluca) activities were carried out for the purpose of psychological research and evaluation of persons deprived of liberty in the Poarta Albă Hospital-Penitentiary Constanța, with the involvement of students from the two higher education institutions.



Matei Raluca                                             Roșan Adrian


International partnerships & collaborations. The main international collaborations of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, in the fields of Clinical Psychology and Social Work Practice, are already traditional. The partner institutions are:

  • Chicago School of Professional Psychology, by Professor Michael Stevens, 2014 -2020 (Memorandum of Understanding)
  • Alteverde Social Work School, involving teachers Bert Billiet, Marijke Decleir 2015-2020
  • Marywood Social Work School, with professor Kim Angela and her master students from USA 2017-2020

         Dr. Michael Stevens (from Chicago School of Professional Psychology)has received Doctor Honoris Causa by Ovidius University Constanta in 2016.During 2014-2020, our Faculty collaborated with Professor Michael Stevens for research within the Master's program in Psychodiagnosis of Personality. Two Romanian students elaborated their dissertation research papers, coordinated by professor Stevens: Elena Rizea, „Stress and coping with existential issues” and Teodora Tudor, „Self esteem and depresion Tendencies as Risk factors in Substance Use among Young People”, in 2015.

Alongside associated professor Laura Giurgiu, Professor Stevens was involved in an extended research - Themes for the Celebration of Global Community. An article was published in Peace and Conflict, 2018 (Celebrating global community transnationally in Modern Research in Health, Education and Social Sciences  From evaluation to intervention). In this research, participated a total of 2.424 people from 25 different nations, out of which a sample of 115 Romanian students from Ovidius University of Constanta.



Dr. Stevens also contributed to the development of the following scientific papers:



   Ciorbea Iulia                                   Sîntion Filaret


  • Iulia Ciorbea (Ed.), Applied Psychological Assessment, Trei Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015,
  • Michael Stevens, Filaret Sîntion, Social Intelligence, Ex-Ponto Publishing House, Constanța, 2020.


In the field of Social Work, FPSE has been collaborating since 2015 with Alteverde Social Work School from Ghent, Belgium. The joint activities consisted of training courses and workshops for Belgian and Romanian students, teaching and training mobility for teachers, international study placements and cross-cultural research carried out by UOC students.

Thus, together with Professor Bert Billiet from Belgium, training courses were organized every year for students from Social Work Program, in order to acquire additional skills in the field of study, as follows: Assertive communication and behavior in socio-human activities (2015, 2016); Social fear and assertiveness (2017, 2018); Introduction to couple therapy (2017).

The Department of Psychology and Social Work from Ovidius University, organized in 2018, several scientific events, inviting PhD Angela Kim, from Marywood Social Work School. Her international expertise covers the field of migrant welfare. She attended scientific events, such as: the conference "Challenges of psycho-social integration of refugees in regional and local context", and the Workshop "Methods and techniques of counseling and support for refugees".

In 2019, PhD Angela Kim and a group of five US master students have carried out an internship of international practice in the field of Social Welfare, in Constanta, participating in specific activities, together with Romanian students from the Social Work program.



Starting with 2016, under the auspices of CCEPPS, a series of international conferences were organized with participants from prestigious universities worldwide. From McGill University, Canada, Associate Professor PhD. Annie Savard received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by Ovidius University Constanta, in 2019.


Annie Savard                                  Alexandre Cavalcante                          Căprioară Daniela


Among the results obtained within the research team, we can highlight:

  • Căprioară, D., Savard, A., Cavalcante, A. (2020). The representations of financial education among elementary teachers in Romania: between cognition and citizenship.
  • Căprioară, D.; Savard, A.; Cavalcante, A. (2020). Empowering Future Citizens in Making Financial Decisions: A Study of Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks from Romania. In Daniel Flaut, Sarka Hoskova-Mayerova, Cristina Ispas, Fabrizio Maturo, Cristina Flaut. (Eds.). Decision Making in Social Sciences between traditions and innovations. Springer.
  • Savard, A., Căprioară, D. - Building an Instrument for Research in Financial Numeracy in Schools (Quebec and Romania), in Savard, A., Cavalcante, A. (Editors). Teaching Mathematics in Financial contexts: Research and Practice. Springer series: Mathematics Education in the Digital Era. Springer.
  • The Project: “L’enseignement des mathématiques dans les écoles secondaires du Québec : L’alignement entre les enseignants, les concepts mathématiques des programmes ministériels et les concepts mathématiques utilisés dans les emplois STIM”, grant CIRANO (2019-2021).



The basic activities of the Center also include funded projects, for example, the POSDRU Project Research on educational reality-fundamental coordination of future teacher training (2014-2015), in which a statistical software for educational research was patented (2016 - Project director Căprioară, D., IT team coordinator - Puchianu C.).

The scientific research strategy of the faculty includes the elaboration and development of fundamental and applied research projects in priority fields of psychology, education sciences and social assistance, on a series of new research directions:

  • Cultivating the entrepreneurial approach in education and innovation,
  • Stimulating the entrepreneurial initiatives of students and master students for the establishment of psychology offices, social assistance or non-governmental organizations in the field of education sciences,
  • Psychic variables specific to people from different stages of development,
  • Psychic variables associated with people from different professional categories,
  • Healthcare issues specific to the pandemic context,
  • School inclusion,
  • Didactic challenges in the pedagogical use of competencies,
  • Optimizing the organizational culture of the educational institution.


Dean,                                                                                                         Vice-Dean,

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Raluca Silvia Matei                                                                   Lecturer PhD. Claudia Sălceanu                                                        


Planul de cercetare stiințifica 2025